Working with communities to improve health outcomes

Kampala Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (KPI) is one of the largest manufacturers of quality and affordable essential medicines in the East African region. The Company has a range of over 60 products with several brand leaders such as Kamadol, Flucap and MCG. KPI products are used throughout the East African Community and in South Sudan. KPI believes in the notion “a healthy public means a healthy nation” and therefore invest a lot of resources on disadvantaged communities around the country in order to improve their quality of life. In return, the communities support KPI products and programmes thus creating a mutual benefit.
KPI, often working with different partners, is aggressively involved in community outreach programmes;
• Running malaria clinics for less privileged communities in rural area
• Sensitising schools on strategies for the prevention of malaria
• Offering medical care to areas that have suffered natural disasters
• Donating essential medicine to many good causes.
The spirit of participating in medical outreaches and donating of medicines is a fundamental part of KPI’s work ethos and in line with its promise of “a commitment to good health.”
Key achievements
1. KPI’s anti-malarials (Kamsidar, Quinine, ACT’s) have treated approx. 3.5 million episodes of malaria during 2013.
2. KPI’s anti-malarial Neosidar has treated approx. 300,000 pregnant women.
3. Formin , KPI diabetes product, has treated 13,000 type 2 diabetic patients for a year (or 13,000 patient years of treatment).